Our Chocolate Is Made From Traceable Cocoa Beans – 100% Sustainable
Our chocolate is made with quality cocoa beans grown by farmer communities in Ghana, Ivory Coast and Ecuador. With your choice for our chocolate, you empower them to become better farmers, improve their livelihoods and thrive on the long run.

Our Chocolate Sources Sustainable Cocoa
The cocoa beans for our chocolate are bought as much as possible directly from farmer cooperatives. This way, the farmers earn a better price for their crops, can invest in their farms and improve their livelihoods.

Our Chocolate Supports Cocoa Horizons
For each chocolate you buy, Cocoa Horizons reinvests a part in farmer training and farming tools to elevate farmers into experts. With their crops, we can continue bringing you superior taste. And in turn, they make a better living out of cocoa farming.

Our Chocolate Supports Cocoa Farmers
The cocoa beans for our chocolate are bought as much as possible directly from farmer cooperatives. This way, the farmers earn a better price for their crop yields and can improve their livelihoods.

Our Chocolate Empowers Women Farmers
Part of the revenue of this chocolate is invested in training programmes for women in West Africa. These programmes empower women in turning their entrepreneurial dreams into real business and become successful cocoa farmers. In turn, these women-farmers become financially independent and can support their families better.

Our Chocolate Fosters Young Farmers To Become Entrepreneurs
This chocolate empowers young people to make their entrepreneurial ambitions come true. They get access to training and tools to convert start-up cocoa farms into upscale farms and become the thriving farmers of tomorrow.

Our Chocolate Empowers Cocoa Farmers To Become Experts
For each chocolate you buy, part is invested in farmer training and farming tools to elevate farmers into experts. With their crops, we can continue bringing you superior taste. And in turn, they make a better living out of cocoa farming.